Hands-on Python Learning for Enterprise AI

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Unit-1 - Python Fundamentals

Program # : 1

Program Description: Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a basic "Hello, World!" program in Python using the print function. This highlights the usage of the print function in python.

Program # : 2

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate variables for Integer, floating Point Integer and String Assignment in Python by using variable instantiation and print.

Program # : 3

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Integer Assignment in Python by instantiating a variable of type int.

Program # : 4

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Floating Point Integer Assignment in Python by instantiating a variable of type float.

Program: 5

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate String Assignment in Python by instantiating a variable of type string.

Program # : 6

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate usage of complex numbers in Python. This usage can help with coding in formulas for any kind of use case.

Program # : 7

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate defining Functions in Python. Functions help with completing an action necessary for one's project.

Program # : 8

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Dynamic Typing in Python

What is Dynamic Typing? Dynamic Typing is a concept where every variable name is (unless it is null) bound only to an object.

Program # : 9

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Static Typing in Python.

What is Static Typing?  Static Typing is a concept where every variable name is bound both to the following:

(1) a type (at compile time, by means of a data declaration)

(2) an object

Program # : 10

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Boolean Evaluation in Python by using the Boolean operator of equality. Boolean evaluation helps with binary decisions in a program.

Program # : 11

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate an If Statement used in Python. If Statements help with programs that require a decision based on a requirement.

Program # : 12

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate IF Else Statements used in Python.

Program # : 13

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Else If Statements used in Python.

Program # : 14

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Block Structure used in Python.

What is Block Structure? Blocks are Anonymous Functions. Putting them in a proper structure based on purpose is called Block Structure. Block Structure maintains functionality in the desired order by the programmer.

Program # : 15

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the concept of Whitespaces in Python.

What is whitespace? Whitespace is used to denote blocks. In other languages, curly brackets {} are common. When you indent, it becomes a child of the previous line. In addition to the indentation, the parent also has a colon following it.

Program # : 16

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Regular Expressions used in Python by using the match expression. This can be used to find a matching string from a series of characters.

Program # : 17

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Lists used in Python by instantiating multiple lists. Lists are used to organize values in a mutable sequence that can be extended or reduced.

Program # : 18

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the creation of Tuples in Python by instantiating a tuple. Tuples behave similarly to lists and are mutable as well.

Program # : 19

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Creation of Sets in Python.

What are Sets? A Set is an unordered collection data type that is iterable, mutable, and has no duplicate elements. Python’s set class represents the mathematical notion of a set.

Program # : 20

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Creation of Frozen Sets in Python and an addition of an instance to the frozen set.

What are frozen sets? Frozen sets are immutable objects that only support methods and operators that produce a result without affecting the frozen set or sets to which they are applied.

Program # : 21

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Creation of Collection Transition in Python

What is Collection Transition? Containers (or collections) are an integral part of the language built into the core of the language’s syntax. As a result, thinking in a Pythonic manner means thinking about containers. Instances of a collections are paired with a key.

Program # : 22

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Else Statements in Loops used in Python. Using a loop will allow the If Else statement to run throughout the loop which is helpful when the If Else statement is to be used for multiple objects.

Program # : 23

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Usage of Arguments in Python. Arguments are specific inputs for functions.

Program # : 24

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the usage of Mutable Arguments in Python.

Program # : 25

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate how to Accept Variable Arguments in Python.

Program # : 26

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Accept Unpacking Arguments List in Python.

Program # : 27

Program Description:The objective of this program is to demonstrate Usage of Scope in Python.

What is Scope? Variables can only reach the area in which they are defined, which is called scope.

Program # : 28

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Error Handling in Python by using print. Error handling helps with program development when testing to see what portions of your code works.

Program # : 29

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Usage of Namespaces in Python

What is Namespace? Namespace is a system to have a unique name for each object in Python. An object might be a variable or a method. Python itself maintains a namespace in the form of a Python dictionary.

Program # : 30

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Usage of Input/output Functions in Python. These use user input to influence the actions of the program and returns an output.

Program # : 31

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the usage of Higher Order Functions in Python by demonstrating the sorted function on a collection.

Program # : 32

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the usage of Anonymous Functions in Python. Anonymous functions are helpful when you need a function that only needs to be used once as it is easier to call.

Program # : 33

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the usage of Nested Functions in Python. Nested functions help with functionality.

Program # : 34

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Closures in Python

What are Closures? A Closure is a function object that remembers values in enclosing scopes even if they are not present in memory.

Program # : 35

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Lexical Scoping in Python

What is Lexical Scoping? Lexical Scoping is a convention used with many programming languages that sets the scope (range of functionality) of a variable so that it may only be called (referenced) from within the block of code in which it is defined.

Program # : 36

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate different Operators in Python. In other words, arithmetic, comparison, logical, identity, and membership.

Program # : 37

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Decorators in Python

What are Decorators? Decorators are very powerful tool used in Python that allows programmers to modify the behavior of function or class. Decorators allow us to wrap another function in order to extend the behavior of a wrapped function, without permanently modifying it.

Program # : 38

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate List Comprehensions in Python

What are Comprehensions? Comprehensions in Python provide us with a short and concise way to construct new sequences (such as lists, set, dictionary etc.) using sequences which have been already defined.

Program # : 39

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Generator Expressions in Python

What are Generator Expressions?  Generators are written just like a normal function but we use “yield” instead of “return” for returning a result. It is more powerful as a tool to implement iterators. Generator expression allows creating a generator without a yield keyword. However, it doesn’t share the whole power of generator created with a yield function.

Program # : 40

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Generator Functions in Python

What are Generator Functions? A generator function is defined like a normal function, but whenever it needs to generate a value, it does so with the yield keyword rather than return. If the body of a def contains yield, the function automatically becomes a generator function.

Program # : 41

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Iter Tools in Python

What are Itertools? – Itertools is a module which is collection of tools for handling iterators. Simply put, iterators are data types that can be used in a for loop. The most common iterator in Python is the list.

Program # : 42

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Itertools, IZIP, in Python. Itertools are tools that are used for handling iterators allowing you to traverse and mutate iterators easier.

Program # : 43

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate print function in Python. The print function allows you to structure the response in a form that can be used as an input for an interpreter.

Program # : 44

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Classes used in Python

Program # : 45

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Emulations used in Python.

What is Emulation?  Emulation is a process where we want an interactive shell to keep asking for an input.

Program # : 46

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate usage of Class Method in Python.

Program # : 47

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate usage of Static Method in Python.

Program # : 48

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Inheritance used in Python.

Program # : 49

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate used in Encapsulation in Python.

Program # : 50

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate N Dimensional Arrays used in Python with NumPy.

What is NumPy: It is python package used for scientific computing and other uses including n dimensional arrays.

Unit-2 - Big Data Processing

Program # : 51

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reading & Writing Data in Python. This is helpful when trying to work with outside data in one’s project.

Program # : 52

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reading Data from a .csv file in Python. A .csv file is a data file where the values are comma separated. From there it will place the data to be mutated by the programmer.

Program # : 53

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Normalizing Data in Python.

What is Normalizing: this is the process of individually scaling input vectors to unit norm.

Program # : 54

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Formatting Data in Python.

Program # : 55

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate how to Control Line Properties using Matplotlib in Python. For example, this can be helpful when placing labels on plots.

Program # : 56

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Plotting a Simple Function in Python. By plotting a function, you can visualize further the relationship.

Program # : 57

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate how to Import a module in Python. A module is a file with python code which can include classes, functions, variables, and/or runnable code. Modules can be useful for use in other programs.

Program # : 58

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate how to Create a module in Python. Creation of modules are helpful for use in future programs that builds from the concepts within the module.

Program # : 59

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 60

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to plot and changing Line Color/Width in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 61

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to plot and setting limits in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 62

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to plot and setting Ticks in matplotlib in Python.

What are ticks? Ticks are the values used to show specific points on the coordinate axis. It can be a number or a string. Whenever we plot a graph, the axes adjust and take the default ticks.

Program # : 63

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to plot and setting Tick Labels in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 64

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to plot & Moving Spines in matplotlib in Python.

What are Spines? Spines are the lines connecting the axis tick marks and noting the boundaries of the data area. They can be placed at arbitrary positions.

Program # : 65

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to Plot and Adding legends in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 66

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using Defaults to Plot and Annotating Points in Python.

Program # : 67

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Manipulation using Pandas and matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 68

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reading Data from SAP HANA Database in Python.

Unit-3 - Developing Modelling

Program # : 69

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Differential Expression Analysis using SNS Package in Python.

Program # : 70

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Generalized Linear Models using statsmodels Package in Python.

Program # : 71

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate dotplots using the statsmodels Package in Python.

Program # : 72

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Fertility Trends using the statsmodels Package in Python.

Program # : 73

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Logistic Regression using the statsmodels Package in Python.

Program # : 74

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Sparse Models in Python.

Program # : 75

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Cross Validation Models in Python.

Program # : 76

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Support Vector Machines in Python.

Program # : 77

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Support Vector Machine Multiclass Classifications in Python.

Program # : 78

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Species Distribution Model using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 79

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Lasso Regression Model using scikit learn in Python.

Unit-4 - Developing Algorithm

Program # : 80

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Isotonic Regression using sckit learn in Python.

Program # : 81

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Neural Networks using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 82

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Nonlinear Support Vector Machines using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 83

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Decision Trees using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 84

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Plotting a Validation Curve using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 85

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Loading a Dataset using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 86

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm in Python.

Program # : 87

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Affinity Propagation Clustering Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 88

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 89

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the K-means Clustering Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 90

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Spectral Bi-Clustering Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 91

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Spectral Co-Clustering Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Program # : 92

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Ridge Regression Algorithm using scikit learn in Python.

Unit-5 - Predictive Analytics

Program # : 93

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Creating Arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 94

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reshaping Arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 95

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Concatenating Arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 96

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Adding New Dimensions to Arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 97

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Initializing with zeros and ones to Arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 98

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Mgrid Function using scipy in Python.

Program # : 99

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Polynomials using scipy in Python.

Program # : 100

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Vectorizing Functions using scipy in Python.

Program # : 101

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate how to select Functions using scipy in Python.

Program # : 102

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate General Integration using scipy in Python.

Program # : 103

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Time Series Analysis using Pandas in Python.

Program # : 104

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Exporting Data to an excel file using Pandas in Python.

Program # : 105

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Importing Data from a .csv file using Pandas in Python.

Program # : 106

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Analysis in Python.

Unit-6 - Machine Learning

Program # : 107

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Drawing an Empty Graph with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 108

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Adding Nodes to a Graph with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 109

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Adding Edges to a Graph with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 110

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Displaying Graphs with Nodes & Edges with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 111

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Path Graph with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 112

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Renaming the Nodes of a Graph with the NetworkX Package in Python.

Program # : 113

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the PYMC Package in Python.

Program # : 114

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate L1 Based Feature Selection in Python.

Program # : 115

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate creating a Line Plot using the Matplotlib Package in Python.

Program # : 116

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate creating a dotplot using the Matplotlib Package in Python.

Program # : 117

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate creating a Numeric Plot using the Matplotlib Package in Python.

Program # : 118

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate figures and axes using the Matplotlib Package in Python.

Program # : 119

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate 2D Plotting using Matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 120

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate 2D Plotting Using SCIKIT LEARN in Python.

Program # : 121

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Machine Learning Classification Using SCIKIT LEARN in Python.

Program # : 122

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Model Selection Using SCIKIT LEARN in Python.

Program # : 123

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate K-Nearest Neighbor Classification using SCIKIT-LEARN in Python.

Unit-7 - Data Visualization

Program # : 124

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Regular Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 125

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Scatter Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 126

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Bar Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 127

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Contour Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 128

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate IMSHOW in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 129

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Pie Charts in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 130

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Quiver Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 131

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Chart Grids in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 132

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Multiplots in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 133

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Polar Axis in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 134

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a 3D Plot in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 135

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Text in matplotlib in Python.

Program # : 136

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Histogram using Matplotlib in Python.

Unit-8 - Use Case Implementation

Program # : 137

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Bed Occupancy Optimization Use case in Python.

Program # : 138

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Lifetime Value for Customers Use case in Python.

Program # : 139

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Customers Upselling Characteristics Use case in Python.

Program # : 140

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Lead Prioritization Use case in Python.

Program # : 141

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Inventory Demand Forecasting Use case in Python.

Program # : 142

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Credit Card Fraud Risk Use Case in Python.

Program # : 143

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Employee Churn Rate Use case in Python.

Program # : 144

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Patient Medication Compliance Use case in Python.

Program # : 145

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Physician Attrition Use case in Python.

Program # : 146

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Patient Readmittance Use case in Python.

Program # : 147

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Predicting Patient Insurance Claim Use case in Python.

Program # : 148

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Drug Demand Forecasting Use case in Python.

Unit-9 - Assignments

Program # : 149

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Customer Retention Analysis in Python.

Program # : 150

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Hospital Bed Turn Analysis in Python.

Program # : 151

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Patient Survival Analysis in Python.

Program # : 152

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Patient Medication Effectiveness Analysis in Python.

Program # : 153

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Sales Growth Analysis in Python.

Program # : 154

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Customer Cross Selling Analysis in Python.

Program # : 155

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Product Customer Segmentation Analysis in Python.

Program # : 156

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Employee Talent Management Analysis in Python.

Program # : 157

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Patient Bed Occupancy in Python.

Program # : 158

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Product Basket Analysis in Python.

Program # : 159

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Auto Claims Handling Analysis in Python.

Program # : 160

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Customer Market Share Analysis in Python.

Unit-10 - Python Data Processing

Program # : 161

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from Excel File for a DataFrame in Python.

Program # : 162

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from a CSV File in Python.

Program # : 163

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from Clipboard in Python.

Program # : 164

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate collecting data from HTML in Python.

Program # : 165

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from XML in Python.

Program # : 166

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from JSON in Python.

Program # : 167

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from a PDF File in Python.

Program # : 168

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from Plaintext in Python.

Program # : 169

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from a Word Document in Python.

Program # : 170

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from HDF File in Python.

Program # : 171

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from an Image in Python.

Program # : 172

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from a MP3 File in Python.

Program # : 173

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from SAP HANA in Python.

Program # : 174

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Collecting Data from Hadoop in Python.

Program # : 175

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Integrating Data using Concatenate function in Python.

Program # : 176

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Integrating Data using Merge function in Python.

Program # : 177

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Integrating Data using Join function in Python (this is a repeat of program 175).

Program # : 178

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Mapping Data using Dictionary Literal Values in Python.

Program # : 179

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Mapping Data using Dictionary Operations in Python.

Program # : 180

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Mapping Data using Dictionary Comparison Operations in Python.

Program # : 181

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Mapping Data using Dictionary Statements in Python.

Program # : 182

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Provisioning Extraction in Python.

Program # : 183

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Provisioning: Transformation in Python.

Program # : 184

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Provisioning: Loading in Python.

Unit-11 - Python Advanced Topics

Program # : 185

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Iterators in Python.

What are Iterators? An iterator is an object that can be iterated upon, meaning that you can traverse through all the values.

Program # : 186

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Generator Expressions in Python.

What are Generator Expressions? Generators are written just like a normal function but we use “yield” instead of return” for returning a result. It is more powerful as a tool to implement iterators. Generator expression allows creating a generator without a yield keyword. However, it doesn’t share the whole power of generator created with a yield function.

Program # : 187

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Generators in Python.

What are Generators? Generators are used to create iterators. Generators are simple functions which uniquely return an iterable set of items.

Program # : 188

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Bidirectional Communication Between Client and a Server in Python.

Program # : 189

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Chaining Two Generators in Python.

Program # : 190

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Decorators in Python.

What are Decorators? Decorators are very powerful tool used in Python that allows programmers to modify the behavior of function or class. Decorators allow us to wrap another function in order to extend the behavior of wrapped function, without permanently modifying it.

Program # : 191

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Decorators Implemented as Functions in Python.

Program # : 192

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Decorators Implemented as Classes in Python.

Program # : 193

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Copying the Docstring and other attributes of the original function in Python.

Program # : The objective of this program is to demonstrate Example of Standard Library in Python.

Program # : 195

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Depreciation of Functions in Python.

Program # : 196

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate While Loop Removing Decorator in Python.

Program # : 197

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Plugin Registration System in Python.

Program # : 198

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Context Managers in Python.

What are Context Managers? Context managers are a way of allocating and releasing some sort of resource exactly where you need it.

Program # : 199

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Catching Exceptions inside Context Managers in Python.

Program # : 200

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Defining Context Managers using Generators in Python.

Program # : 201

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate for N-dimensional arrays using NumPy in Python.

Program # : 202

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Block of Memory of a ndarray in Python.

Program # : 203

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Data Type of ndarray in Python.

Program # : 204

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Indexing Scheme Strides of ndarray in Python.

Program # : 205

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Slicing with Integers in ndarray in Python.

Program # : 206

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Transposing with Integers in ndarray in Python.

Program # : 207

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reshaping Integers in ndarray in Python.

Program # : 208

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Broadcasting of ndarray in Python.

Program # : 209

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Universal Function on a ndarray in Python.

Program # : 210

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Generalized Universal Function on ndarray in Python.

Program # : 211

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Old Buffer Protocol of a ndarray in Python.

Program # : 212

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Opening & Writing to Image Files in Python.

Program # : 213

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Displaying Images in Python.

Program # : 214

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Basic Manipulation in Image Processing in Python.

Program # : 215

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Geometrical Transformations in Image Processing in Python.

Program # : 216

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Blurring in Image Processing in Python.

What is Blurring? – Blurring is simply an image is blurred. An image looks sharper or more detailed if we can perceive all the objects and their shapes correctly in it.

Program # : 217

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Sharpening in Image Processing in Python.

What is Sharpening? The sharpening process is basically the application of a high pass filter to an image.

Program # : 218

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Denoising in Image Processing in Python.

What is Deionizing? Denoising is a process of recovery of a digital image that has been contaminated by noise.

Program # : 219

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Applying Gaussian Filter for Image Processing in Python.

What is Gaussian Filter? A Gaussian filter is a linear filter. It is primarily used to blur the image or to reduce noise. If you use two of them and subtract, you can use them for "unsharp masking" (edge detection). The Gaussian filter alone will blur edges and reduce contrast.

Program # : 220

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Applying Median Filter for Image Processing in Python.

What is Median Filter? A Median filter is a non-linear filter that is most commonly used as a simple way to reduce noise in an image. The advantage (over Gaussian for noise reduction) is that it removes noise while keeping edges relatively sharp.

Program # : 221

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Edge Detection in Image Processing in Python.

Program # : 222

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Segmentation in Image Processing in Python.

Unit-12 - Python for Tensorflow

Program # : 223

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Basic Hello World output using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 224

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Tensors using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 225

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Fixed Tensors using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 226

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Sequence Tensors using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 227

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Random Tensors using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 228

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Constants using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 229

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Variables using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 230

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Placeholders using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 231

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Graphs using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 232

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Sessions using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 233

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Feed Dictionary using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 234

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Data Types using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 235

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Adding Two Constants using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 236

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Multiplying Two Constants using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 237

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Matrix Inverse Method using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 238

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Queues using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 239

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Saving Variables using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 240

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Restoring Variables using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 241

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate TensorBoard using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 242

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Namescopes using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 243

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Linear Regression using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 244

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Logistic Regression using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 245

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Random Forest Algorithm using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 246

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate K-means Clustering using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 247

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Linear Support Vector Machines using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 248

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Nonlinear Support Vector Machines using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 249

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Multiclass Support Vector Machine using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 250

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Nearest Neighbors using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 251

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Neural Networks using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 252

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Convolutional Neural Networks using TensorFlow in Python.

Program # : 253

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Deep Neural Networks using TensorFlow in Python.

Unit-13 - Python for NLP

Program # : 254

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Installing NLTK in Python.

Program # : 255

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Counting Word Frequency using NLP in Python.

Program # : 256

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Removing Stop Words using NLP in Python.

What are Stop Words? Stop words are natural language words that most search engines avoid, saving space and time in processing large data during crawling or indexing. Examples of stop words include: "and", "the", "a", "an."

Program # : 257

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Tokenizing Texts using NLP in Python.

What is Tokenizing? Tokenization is the process of breaking a stream of text up into words, phrases, symbols, or other meaningful elements called tokens.

Program # : 258

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Tokenizing Non-English Texts using NLP in Python.

Program # : 259

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Getting Synonyms from Wordnet using NLP in Python.

Program # : 260

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Getting Antonyms from Wordnet using NLP in Python.

Program # : 261

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Word Stemming using NLP in Python.

What is Stemming? Stemming is the process of reducing inflection in words to their root forms such as mapping a group of words to the same stem even if the stem itself is not a valid word in the Language.

Program # : 262

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Word Stemming with Non-English Words using NLP in Python.

Program # : 263

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Lemmatizing Words using NLP in Python.

What is Lemmatizing? Lemmatization, unlike Stemming, reduces the inflected words properly ensuring that the root word belongs to the language.

Program # : 264

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Part of Speech Tagging using NLP in Python

What is Part of Speech Tagging? The Part of Speech explains how a word is used in a sentence. There are eight main parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.

POS tagging is a supervised learning solution that uses features like the previous word, next word, is first letter capitalized, etc.

Program # : 265

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Chinking using NLP in Python

What is Chinking? Chinking is a part of the chunking process with natural language processing with NLTK. A chink is what we wish to remove from the chunk

Program # : 266

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Chunking using NLP in Python

What is Chunking? Chunking, also referred to as shallow parsing, is a task that follows Part-of-Speech Tagging and that adds more structure to the sentence. The result is a grouping of the words in “chunks”

Program # : 267

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Corpora using NLP in Python

What is Corpora? A corpus is a large body of natural language text used for accumulating statistics on natural language text. The plural is corpora. Corpora often include extra information such as a tag for each word indicating its part-of-speech, and perhaps the parse tree for each sentence.

Program # : 268

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Named Entity Recognition using NLP in Python

What is Named Entity Recognition? Named Entity Recognition is a process where an algorithm takes a string of text (sentence or paragraph) as input and identifies relevant nouns (people, places, and organizations) that are mentioned in that string.

Program # : 269

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Text Classification using NLP in Python.

Program # : 270

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate converting Words to Features using NLP in Python.

Program # : 271

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate the Naive Bayes Classifier using NLP in Python.

Program # : 272

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Saving Classifier using NLP in Python.

Program # : 273

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Scikit Learn Algorithms using NLP in Python.

Program # : 274

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Combining Algorithms using NLP in Python.

Program # : 275

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Noise Removal using NLP in Python.

Program # : 276

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Noise Removal by Regular Expressions using NLP in Python.

Program # : 277

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Object Standardization using NLP in Python.

What is Object Standardization? Object standardization is pre-processing techniques that can be done on abbreviations such as “rt ? retweet, dm ? direct message.”

Program # : 278

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Topic Modelling using NLP in Python.

What is Topic Modelling? At the document level, one of the most useful ways to understand text is by analyzing its topics. The process of learning, recognizing, and extracting these topics across a collection of documents is called topic modeling.

Program # : 279

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate N-Grams using NLP in Python.

What are N-grams?  An n-gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech. The items can be syllables, letters, words or base pairs according to the application.

Program # : 280

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Tfidf Vectorizer using NLP in Python.

What is Tf-idf? Tf-idf stands for term frequency inverse document frequency, is a statistic that measures how important a term is relative to a document and to a corpus, a collection of documents.

Program # : 281

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Word Embedding using NLP in Python.

What is Word Embedding? Word embeddings are a type of word representation that allows words with similar meaning to have a similar representation.

Program # : 282

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Levenshtein Distance using NLP in Python.

Program # : 283

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Cosine Similarity using NLP in Python.

Program # : 284

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Wordnet using NLP in Python.

Unit-14 - Python for Computer Vision

Program # : 285

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Installing OpenCV using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 286

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Reading Images using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 287

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Displaying Images using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 288

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Writing Images using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 289

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Color Space using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 290

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Thresholding using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 291

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Finding Contours using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 292

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Scaling using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 293

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Rotation using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 294

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Translation using OpenCV in Python (this seems to be the same as program 293).

Program # : 295

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Edge Detection in an Image using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 296

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Filtering using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 297

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Blurring using OpenCV in Python.

What is Blurring? In blurring, simply an image is blurred. An image looks sharper or more detailed if we can perceive all the objects and their shapes correctly in it.

Program # : 298

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Blurring (Gaussian Blur) using OpenCV in Python.

What is Gaussian Blur? Gaussian Blur is windowed filter of linear class, by its nature is weighted mean. Weights in the filter are calculated according to Gaussian distribution.

Program # : 299

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Blurring (Median Blur) using OpenCV in Python.

What is Median Blur? The Median Blur is a non-linear digital filtering technique, often used to remove noise from an image or signal. Such noise reduction is a typical pre-processing step to improve the results of later processing.

Program # : 300

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Filtering (Bilateral Filtering) using OpenCV in Python.

What is Bilateral Filtering? A bilateral filter is a non-linear, edge-preserving, and noise-reducing smoothing filter for images. It replaces the intensity of each pixel with a weighted average of intensity values from nearby pixels.

Program # : 301

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Erosion using OpenCV in Python.

What is Erosion? Erosion is a Morphological technique that decreases the sizes of objects and removes small anomalies by subtracting objects with a radius smaller than the structuring element.

Program # : 302

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Dilation using OpenCV in Python.

What is Dilation? Dilation is a Morphological technique that generally increases the sizes of objects, filling in holes and broken areas, and connecting areas that are separated by spaces smaller than the size of the structuring element.

Program # : 303

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Opening using OpenCV in Python.

What is Opening? Opening is a Morphological technique that generally smoothest the contour of an object, breaks narrow isthmuses, and eliminates thin protrusions.

Program # : 304

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Closing using OpenCV in Python.

What is Closing? Closing is a Morphological technique that also tends to smooth sections of contours but, as opposed to opening, it generally fuses narrow breaks and long thin gulfs, eliminates small holes, and fills gaps in the contour.

Program # : 305

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Gradient using OpenCV in Python.

What is Gradient? An image gradient is a directional change in the intensity or color in an image. The gradient of the image is one of the fundamental building blocks in image processing.

Program # : 306

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Top Hat Transform using OpenCV in Python.

What is Top Hat Transform? Top Hat Transform is a Morphological technique which is used to enhance bright objects of interest in a dark background.

Program # : 307

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Processing Operations: Black Hat Transform using OpenCV in Python.

What is Black Hat Transform? Black Hat Transform is a Morphological technique which is used to do the opposite of top hat transform, i.e., enhance dark objects of interest in a bright background.

Program # : 308

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Edge Detection by Sobel Operator using OpenCV in Python.

What is Sobel Operator? A very common operator for edge detection is a Sobel Operator, which approximates a derivative of an image.

Program # : 309

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Edge Detection by Scharr Operator using OpenCV in Python.

What are Scharr Operator? Scharr operator is used to detect the second derivatives of an image in horizontal and vertical directions.

Program # : 310

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Edge Detection by Laplacian Operator using OpenCV in Python.

What is Laplacian Operator? Laplacian Operator is also a derivative operator which is used to find edges in an image. difference between Laplacian and other operators is that unlike other operators Laplacian doesn't take out edges in any direction but it takes out edges in classification.

Program # : 311

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Canny Edge Detection using OpenCV in Python.

What is Canny Edge Detection? Canny edge detection is an image processing method used to detect edges in an image while suppressing noise.

Program # : 312

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Resolution by Gaussian Pyramid using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 313

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Image Shape Analysis/Object Detection & Recognition by Contours using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 314

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Histograms using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 315

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate a Histogram with Mask using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 316

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Fourier Transform using OpenCV in Python.

Program # : 317

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Template Matching using OpenCV in Python.

Unit-15 - Python for RPA

Program # : 318

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Installing Automagica in Python.

Program # : 319

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Typing Hello World Automatically using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 320

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Opening Chrome Browser using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 321

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Automating Mouse Movements using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 322

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Opening Dropbox using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 323

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Listing Running Process using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 324

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Returning Row Data as a List from Excel using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 325

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Extracting Text from PDF using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 326

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Merging PDF's using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 327

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Renaming File using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 328

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Moving Files to a New Location using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 329

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Copying Files to a New Location using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 330

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Opening an Image using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 331

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Rotating an Image using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 332

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Resizing an Image using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 333

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Strings using Automagica in Python.

Program # : 334

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate String Manipulation using Automagica in Python.

Unit-16 - Python for Deep Learning

Program # : 335

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Introduction to Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 336

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Our Own Training Data to Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 337

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Convolutional Neural Networks using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 338

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Analyzing Models with TensorBoard using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 339

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Optimizing Models with TensorBoard using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 340

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Using a Trained Model using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 341

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Recurrent Neural Networks using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 342

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Normalizing & Creating Sequences using Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 343

Program Description: Program in Python for MNIST Number Classification using Keras Library in Deep Learning.

Program # : 344

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Linear Regression: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 345

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Logistic Regression: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 346

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Random Forest : Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 347

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate K-means Clustering: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 348

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Linear Support Vector Machine: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 349

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Nonlinear Support Vector Machine: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 350

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Multiclass Support Vector Machine: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 351

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Nearest Neighbors: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 352

Program Description: The objective of this program is to demonstrate Neural Networks: Deep Learning in Python.

Program # : 353

Program Description: Program in Python for IMDB Movie Classification using Keras Library in Deep Learning.

Program # : 354

Program Description: Program in Python for Cifar10 Image Classification using Keras Library in Deep Learning.

Program # : 355

Program Description: Program in Python for Multi-layer Perceptron using Keras Library in Deep Learning.

Program # : 356

Program Description: Program in Python for Intercompany Transaction Classification in Deep Learning.

Program # : 357

Program Description: Program in Python for Pair Intercompany Transaction Using Autoencoder and K-means Clustering in Deep Learning.

Program # : 358

Program Description: Program in Python for Pairing Intercompany Transaction for Difference in Booking Using Autoencoder and K-means Clustering in Deep Learning.

Program # : 359

Program Description: Program in Python for Predicting Weighted Accuracy of IC Using ANN in Deep Learning.

Program # : 360

Program Description: Program in Python for Predicting Weighted Accuracy of IC Using RNN in Deep Learning.

Program # : 361

Program Description: Program in Python for Partitioned Embeddings in Deep Learning.

What are Embeddings? In the context of neural networks, embeddings are low-dimensional, learned continuous vector representations of discrete variables.

Program # : 362

Program Description: Program in Python for Shape Embeddings in Deep Learning.

What are Embeddings? In the context of neural networks, embeddings are low-dimensional, learned continuous vector representations of discrete variables.

Program # : 363

Program Description: Program in Python for numGrad Function in Deep Learning.

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